Grantley Adams International Airport seeks to be a responsible corporate citizen and takes pleasure in carrying out our commitment to our communities. We are particularly keen to support youth, culture and sports, and in this vein we have adopted three primary schools in the area: St. Christopher’s Primary, St. Bartholomew’s Primary and Gordon Walters Primary Schools. We also have a partnership with the Eastern All-Stars Steel Pan, a community group which was born out of student’s past and present of the Bartholomew’s Primary School.
In addition to this focus, over the years we have made a number of donations to the Red Cross and have lent our assistance to community members in need such as fire victims. We have also used our position as a hub to organise collections for the HIV/AIDS food bank.

We are also partners with the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and Socaholics in a “Bajan Welcome Home” campaign, to welcome visitors to the island, which runs through July every year, the Crop Over season.

GAIA is currently in partnership with UNICEF in a programme called “Change for Children” where visitors on leaving the island can drop their unused change/coins into donation boxes provided in the Departures Lounge. The money collected goes to local children’s charities.